Sunday, 21 August 2022

TV PAULISTA, Channel 5 foreign attractions


Edith Piaf Marlene in 1956.
28 April 1956 - Saturday - Edith Piaf's concert at 9:30 pm; Piaf would return on Sunday, 29 April 1956, at 9:30 too; on Monday, 30 April 1956; on Tuesday, 1st May 1956, at 10:30 pm and a final recital on Saturday, 5 May 1956, at 9:30.
Agustin Lara & his orchestra play at TV Paulista at 9:50 pm. 'Folha da Manhã', 18 April 1952, Friday. 
US pianist Carmen Cavallaro (* 6 May 1913 + 12 Oct 1989) whose most celebrated film achievement was playing the piano music for actor Tyrone Power’s hands to mime, in 'The Eddy Duchin Story' (1956) toured Brazil 3 years earlier having played at night-clubs and TV Paulista in 1953. (Revista do Radio, no.179).
The Peters Sisters were an American vocal trio oiginally from Santa Monica, CA. who performed between the 1930s and 1960s, mainly in Europe, and appeared in films. They were Mattie Jane Peters (9 August  1917 – 31st July  1983), Anna Louise Peters (24 November 1920 – 25 December 1965), and Virginia Peters (28 December 1923 – 9 June 2010). This photo is from the 1937 movie "With love and kisses" starring Toby Wing and Pinky Tomlin & Mattie, Virginia (middle) & Anne. 
15 May 1955 (Correio Paulistano) - US sister-act with European fame Peters Sisters perform on 13, 15, 18, 20, 21st and 22nd of May at TV Paulista.
In 1955, on year before the great chanchonnier Piaf visited our shores, Lucho Gatica who was Number One in the charts with 'Sinceridad', was wildly feasted by Brazilians. Here's Lucho is between Silvana Aguiar from Rio's Radio Mayrink Veiga and Hebe Camargo from Radio Nacional Paulista and Rio's Radio Mundial, both stations being part of the Victor Costa Organization (OVC). 
Hebe Camargo with French songstress Yvette Giraud who sang at TV Paulista, Channel 5 in 1956.
29 March 1957 (Correio Paulistano) - Orquestra Casino de Sevilla show at 9:30 pm on TV Paulista, Channel 5.
30 June 1957 - Los Chavales de España perform at TV Paulista on Sunday at 8:00 pm; 11 men and 1 lady who dance and sing (Gazeta Esportiva). 
Italian singer Jula de Palma is presented a gift from MC Odayr Marzano; 'Gazeta Esportiva', 15 November 1957
17 July 1958 (Correio Paulistano) - Katyna Ranieri, another Italian attraction at TV Paulista; performs at Teatro de Cultura Artística on Tuesday, 22nd July 1958, at 9:00 pm. 

1 9 5 7

at TV Tupi 

The Platters - 17 a 26 Setembro 1957 no Teatro Paramount de São Paulo, sendo televisionados pela TV Record. No Rio de Janeiro foi a TV TupiCanal 6 que mostrou the Platters aos cariocas.

Bienvenido Granda (El bigode que canta) - 18 Outubro 1957, na TV Tupi

Sunday, 6 December 2020

Gianni Morandi - April 1966


'Intervalo' n.292, July 1968.

Even though Gianni Morandi had been on the Italian music scene since 1962, he only hit the big time in the summer of 1964, with 'In ginocchio da te' which sold one million copies, only the 2nd time in Italy's history (Bobby Solo's 'Una lacrima sul viso' had been the very 1st Italian million seller). 

Morandi was part of the 2nd or 3rd wave of Italian 'urlatori' (Italian shouters) which made it big in Brazil from 1963 through to 1966. Morandi hit with 'In ginoccio da te' in late 1964, then with 'Se non avessi più te' and finally with 'Si fa sera'. 

By May 1966, when Gianni reached our shores the Italian wave was on its wane, but 'Melodias' nevertheless interviewed him and here's the article below. In July 1968, Morandi returned to Brazil to have some scenes of his newest movie 'Chimera' shot in Rio de Janeiro. 

'Melodias' # 105, May 1966 - Gianni Morandi sang at TV Tupi in April 1966.  

Monday, 12 October 2020



Nathaniel Adams Cole in 1963, with adopted son Nat Kelly Cole (1959-1995), wife Maria Hawkins (*1st August 1922 +10 July 2012) and daughter Natalie Maria Cole (*6 Feb 1950 +31st Dec 2015).

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Bienvenido Granda 's 1957 visit


21st May 1957 - 'Correio da Manhã' says Cuban singer Bienvenido Granda sang at TV Rio's 'Noite de Gala' the night before, opening Channel 13's brand-new studio alongside a bevy of local celebrities like Oscarito, Bené Nunes, Dulcina, Sérgio Porto, Tom Jobim, Rose Rondelli, Alcides Gerardi, Venilton Santos and the great Elizeth Cardoso.

1st June 1957 - Gloria Valdez, a 'rumbera' who toured Brazil as part of Perez Prado act in 1951 is back dancing as part of Bienvenido Granda act at TV Rio's 'Noite de Gala'. Brazilian censors though advised the Cuban dancer to tone down her sexy movements to something more 'proper' to local 'family values'. Hypocrisy ran amok then. 

4 June 1957 - 'Correio da Manhã': due to Bienvenido Granda's great success, Radio Mayrink Veiga will stretch his stint at PRA-9. Mr Granda will sing at Programa Carlos Henrique every Friday at 8:00 PM and on on Saturdays. 
1st August 1957 - 'Correio da Manhã' reports from Pernambuco, where Bienvenido Granda was mobbed by young ladies who watched  him perform at a local radio station. As soon as Mr Granda started a musical number there were interruptions with applause, a lot of sighs and heavy breathing similar to what happens in the USA with Frank Sinatra. 

Monday, 16 December 2019

1 9 6 1 Julie London, Eartha Kitt & Caterina Valente

Julie London          June 1960  TV Tupi 
Caterina Valente     April 1961  TV Record 
Eartha Kitt               June 1961 TV Tupi 

Weekly illustrated magazine 'O Cruzeiro' splashes Julie London on its cover on 17 June 1961, feturing a 6-page article about foreign-acts who visited Brazil from 1957 through 1961.
Julie London & Ella Fitzgerald with Leonard Feather, the author of 'The Encyclopedia of Jazz'  in 1960
Charles Aznavour, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughn, Nat King Cole, Louis Armstrong & Sammy Davis Jr. were probably the best acts to visit Brazil from 1957 through to 1961.
'O Cruzeiro', 17 June 1961.

GAC (General Artists Corporation) and National Artists were two big agencies located in New York City where South American managers & impresarios would go and tried and sign International acts to tour Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru and other countries. 

Some US acts like Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra were 'untouchables' (or unreachable) for Latin American agents. Their price was too steep for Latin dollars. Elvis would never cross the Rio Grande border except to star in 'Fun in Acapulco' a Paramount movie shot in mid-1963 and released on 27 November 1963, where he surrounds himself with Mariachi bands and sings 'Bossa Nova baby'.

The Beatles visited Germany, Italy, Australia and New Zealand, Japan and even the Philippines where they got into trouble with Mrs Marcos but they never crossed south of the Rio Grande either.  

Monday, 11 February 2019

Gene Barry's BAT MASTERSON - November 1961

29 October 1961 - The ad says if one buys 2 tickets to see Gene Barry's impersonation of Old West's Bat Materson one would get a hat and a stick just like those used by the actor. 

OESP 29 October 1961
Gene Barry, o Bat Masterson da TV enche teatros e estádios em sua passagem pelo Brasil. Ele veio na hora certa, quando seu 'enlatado' era a sensação na telinha.
o famoso Bat Masterson sendo assediado por crianças em sua passagem por São Paulo e Rio. 

relato de Paulo Naoto Tyba:

Teatro Record, que saudades dos early years. Em 1961 fui a apresentação do Bat (Gene Barry) Masterson. Não sei se você sabia, mas a música-tema era cantada pelo próprio Gene Barry, e na apresentação que estava previsto o inicio as 21:00 hs, só começou pelas 22:30.

Havia uma mis-en-cene, todo um introito. O cenário era um bar far-west, com dezenas de figurantes (extraídos dos filmes do Mazzaropi), fazendo o tipo de bandidões americanos todos trasvestidos de cow-boys. Havia a cena da mocinha sendo incomodada e do provável tiroteio que se tornava iminente. De repente a portinhola curva do bar abre e quem entra? O próprio entoando "Back when the west was very young, there lived a man named Masterson...' 

O teatro quase caiu abaixo, todos hipnotizados pela figura carismática de Gene Barry vestido à la Bat Masterson com sua emblemática bengalinha (deve ser fálica). Enfrentou a todos bandidos e, logicamente, venceu.

O restante do show foi meio fraco, pois Gene Barry era cantor-ator e até cantava bem, mas o repertório não tinha nada a ver; ‘Moon river’, ‘True love’ e por aí afora. Todos querendo mais apresentações a la Bat Masterson e Gene exibindo suas qualidades vocais. Hoje entendo que faltou sensibilidade a quem bolou o show.

relato de Silmara: 

Assisti Gene Barry quando esteve no Brasil no Teatro Record. Foi um fiasco porque ele não sabia fazer nada. Pior foi Tony Curtis que também fez um show constrangido porque só sabia tocar flauta! Mas eram grandes atores e faziam sucesso dai a curiosidade de vê-los na TV aqui pertinho. E no fim quem deu um show mesmo foi Chocolate, que inventou um concurso de dança onde o juri era formado por ele e Tony Curtis.
2nd December 1961 - Gene Barry as Bat Materson in person musically guided by the experienced hands of Brazilian conductor Alfredo Pellegrini